Written by JobHexa

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Before Going into the subject lets learn some basics of it

Basics Of Data Structures

Topics Covered

  1. Array
  2. Stack
  3. Queue
  4. LinkedList
  5. Tree
  6. Graph


Types Of Data Structures

In these pdf we will discuss some little more about Basics

Overview Of Data Structures

This Pdf gives about overview it can serve as a foundational guide for anyone beginning their journey in learning Data Structures and Algorithms, providing both theoretical knowledge and practical problem-solving techniques.

Topics Covered

  1. What is Data Structure?
  • Definition and importance of data structures in efficient data management.
  • Focus on minimizing time and space complexities.

2. What is Algorithm?

  • Definition and explanation of algorithms.
  • Steps to solve problems or perform calculations systematically.

3.How to Start Learning DSA?

  • Breakdown of the learning process into four parts:
  • Time and Space complexities.
  • Basics of individual Data Structures.
  • Basics of Algorithms.
  • Practice Problems on DSA.
4.Learn Algorithms?
Searching Algorithms: Linear Search, Binary Search, Jump Search, Interpolation Search, Exponential Search.
  • Sorting Algorithms: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Quick Sort, Merge Sort.
    Divide and Conquer Algorithms: Breaking problems into subproblems, solving them recursively, and combining solutions.
  • Greedy Algorithms: Building solutions piece-by-piece for immediate benefits. Examples include Fractional Knapsack Problem.
    Recursion: Concept of repeated usage of code. Examples include Tree traversals, Graph traversals, Backtracking algorithms.
    Backtracking Algorithms: Trying all possible solutions and finding the correct one. Examples include Knight’s tour problem, N-Queen problem, Sudoku.
    Dynamic Programming: Optimization of recursive solutions by avoiding repeated calculations. Concepts include Tabulation vs. Memoization, Optimal Substructure, Overlapping Subproblems.
    Pattern Searching: Searching strings within another string.
    Mathematical Algorithms: Solving Mathematical and Number Theory problems. Topics include GCD, LCM, Prime Factorization, Fibonacci Numbers, Modular Arithmetic, Euler Totient Function.
    Geometric Algorithms: Solving geometric problems. Topics include lines, triangles, rectangles, circles, 3D objects, polygons, convex hulls.


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